Wednesday 12 September 2012

Dear Tara

Dear Tara,

I write today surrounded by the gloomy cloud that descends on me at "the time of the month" .

First of all I love you so much.

Second - I am so, so sorry for shouting at you again.

Third, I am alone, so alone in my life and here on my blog. I know that no one reads my words but I still write - for you. When you are older you will read my words, and hopefully still love me with all my short comings.

I love you a lot my little one. It's just that some days I struggle more than others. My body and my mind are both fighting battles every day. I win most days but fail some. I feel that small when I fail. Please forgive me. You don't deserve my shouting.

I watch you sleep and I weep as I type. I let the tears flow and hope they wash away everything awful from within.

Sleep well my angel. I love you

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