Thursday 22 March 2012

Play date

Yesterday was Tara's play date, and it was wonderful thanks to Tara's classmate's Mum. A rarity this lady. Very hard working yet warm and effortless at making someone feel welcome at her home, which by the way was a beautiful house. It was a warm family house, well done up and clean, but not clinical in tidiness. A lived in house that could make one relax.

Tara was invited home by her classmate who is a lovely little boy. He ended up playing computer games, while Tara played with his slightly older sister. We were invited to join their family for dinner which was at the family table. I was a bit worried about Tara's table manners, but was pleasantly surprised that my little girl who sometimes creates havoc at her own house was impeccable.

Thank yous said we came back to our home, where Tara promptly took on a different persona. Before I reacted I sat back and thought about it. For a child who has been conforming all day at school, then being her best at someone else's house, her own house is a sanctuary where she should be able to sometimes grimace and growl if she chooses to. Her Mum and her house are her 'soft place to land.' Restricting her and making her conform here all day everyday as well could lead to frustration.

It's hard, but I praised her excellent manners at school and at her friend's house and decided to let her be. Tara was over tired and after a hot bath and a glass of milk fell asleep.

A good end to a good day. I'm still ill but held myself together at the play date. This morning I want to pack off Tara to school and crawl back into bed.

Health and happy moments to all.

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