Thursday 16 October 2014

Full time-Day and Night-Working for Zippo/Zilch Housewife Mum Person

It is my first (and hopefully only) shot at being Wife and Mum, and sometimes I get confused. Before I became Wife and Mum, I was Working (for a Wage) Woman and Part time Housewife. Now I'm a "Full time-Day and Night-Working for Zippo/Zilch Housewife Mum Person". My questions is:

Does being a "Full time-Day and Night-Working for Zippo/Zilch Housewife Mum Person" mean that I do every single house related thing? The Husband works full time, and I don't help him at his workplace. Logically that means I should expect nothing house-related from him. Right or wrong? Any wandering wisdom out there?

Update: Day 7/365.."No shouting" resolve intact today...Does a minor "hurry up or we'll be late!" at the breakfast table count ? Naah...


  1. I think that altho you are home most of the time and so presumably you end up doing most of the jobs, its just a nice and caring thing for the husband to do a few things. Like... cook on one of his days off to give you a rest, make cups of tea/coffee, clear up meals or at least work as a team. It drives me insane when my husband sits with his feet up asking "Whats for dinner?" In my view home should involve team work. Husbands get days off from their jobs. Why shouldnt you have a day off? X

  2. Thank you Sarah :-) I think my Team needs fine tuning :-)
