Friday 24 October 2014

There she blows!!

Day 12/365- Blew it :-(   The beginning of half term...and I had a shouty fit....already :-( So what if every toy in the house , every book on the shelf, and every doll is on the living room floor, and repeated promises to tidy up before bedtime were not kept.

In my defence, I did ask very nicely - 4 times to be precise - that Tara pick up after her. I have been poorly and that doesn't help.

The good news is that I fought really hard to shake off the associated feelings of sulking and silence, (post shouting) and had a decent day after all. Tara helped me tick off a shopping list, fold the laundry, wrap a present, and tidy up. Not sure if all the help was from her unselfish heart or the after effects of this morning's blow up. We are now well hugged and kissed, and singing along to songs from the eighties, playing air guitar etc. so it can't be all bad :-)

I'm going to attempt to ignore minor messes because it is half term, and Tara is only seven...and tired. I still however believe, that mountains of mess are unacceptable and a bit selfish.

Mum and daughter now settling down to a luxurious triple layered mousse.....hmmm.. :-)

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