Monday, 20 May 2019

Phase three

My life before marriage was Phase One. Intensely difficult, physically and mentally, but there was Courage and Hope. I got back up and tried again

The last twenty years of marriage, and ongoing, are Phase Two. Free of physical danger, but still very difficult and lonely. I still got up and forged ahead. My Tara became my driving force.

God probably dragged me over Phase One, He then got busy elsewhere in Phase Two...Now I can't reach Him at all. I still join my hands everyday and say thank you; it could have been worse. But I've stopped talking to Him.

I want a Phase Three. I really do. Only this time my grief over estrangement with my Tara, has punched the air out of body, and I can't get up again. Im afraid I may need a mentor, a soft place to fall on, someone who can help me back on my feet and nudge me in the right direction. Maybe what I need is to be able to earn money again, so the fear of being hungry or homeless doesn't cloud my judgement, and allows me to live a life with dignity and self respect.

Maybe its okay to cut people out of my life. It's not because I don't love them anymore, it's because I want to preserve my self respect and human dignity.

I dream of falling into my Mum and Dad's arms, unburdening decades of tears and horror, while they just allow me to sleep in their arms-unquestioning and accepting.

I know it's all imaginary...but I feel beaten...tired...that's all I've got today and it will take me to tomorrow.

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