Friday, 8 June 2012

Good day out

The Husband, Tara and I had a fun day out today. We don't usually go to the shops as a family. The Husband is too busy, I'm a tad bit anxious going into a crowded shopping centre, and Tara..well we always take her out for nature rambles, and fairs over shops at any given opportunity. Thinking back we rarely went to the shops with her. The Husband loves things..gadgets, and the rest. I'm totally the opposite. I'm not into things. Tara is straddling both worlds pretty well.

I had to get usual things for the house so was dropped off at the shops today while The Husband and Tara went to do other things. When they came to pick me up, we decided to take Tara to a book shop where we first had coffee(for me), tea for The Husband and lemon cake for Tara. She was thrilled and whispered that she wanted to talk like grown ups at tea. So we enjoyed some pretty interesting conversation with Tara giggling every minute as she pretended to be all grown up and discuss "important matters". We then sat at a corner reading a few books together, then bought one book. We popped into another shop to buy some air drying clay for craft time. As a special treat we bought her a sparkly pair of pink shoes to wear on her birthday party.

Tara is wonderful in shops. She tip toes around, looks at what she likes, exchanges smiles with me and never ever asks for anything.

On the way back she was humming a song and smiling. I asked her if she liked the things we bought her. She said she loved them, but more than that loved having tea with Mummy and Papa...together.

Typical Tara. With most things in life looking challenging at the moment, whenever I look at Tara, I'm reassured that some things are going right..very right.

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